I offer 1-day graphic art master-classes for children!
- Target audience: schools, kindergartens, birthday parties.
- Place: my studio in Jurmala or:
- in a place convenient for you: school, children's parties, or other place of yours.
- Number of participants in my studio: 5 children.
- Participants at your place: 10 children.
- Fee: 15 Eur per children.
- Time: at time convenient for you.
- For more information (payment, other issues): please phone me: +371 29228846.
The task of masterclass - make a greeting card with Latvian birds in monotype
Kemeri Library - Kemerielementary school. 02.09.22.
The first elementary school did their arts, so I am waiting for the next ones!
Hoopoe (Upupa epops), can be seen in Kemeri
European roller (Coracias garullus)
alrready happened
The result of work